Not so philosophic, am I?

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's August, and that means that school is starting up for most of the people my age. What am I not in school, might you be asking? Well, I am currently done with my 2 year degree and will be getting off my lazy summer bum and going to the school this week to apply for graduation. I *should* be done. I say should because I have yet to step foot into an academic advisors office and have been doing everything myself, using a little bit of common sense and friendly advice. I even took an extra class to make up for the D I got in Philosophy. I know! It's bad, but in my defense that class was set up to fail, and I mean c'mon! It's Philosophy, and the teacher was borderline insane! Let's not even get into the bizarre grading system.

I really didn't make this blog post to talk about my school related business, I mainly wanted to get your opinion on something. I want to make an empties video. I have about 3 products that I'm trying to finish (with loads stocked up) and I think a video will be more entertaining than a blog post. Let me know, I don't think it will be horrible, I may just take the plunge and just do it!

Below are some pictures that I have recently edited. Most had the "pop art" setting on, which I apparently forgot was set when I went playing with my camera for the first time. I find editing pictures therapeutic, and soothing for my mind.

Let me know what you think about the video idea. I really think it will be beneficial to the content on the blog, and it opens up more doors as far as what I can say, and the amount I will say. I tend to babble, and a video with me babbling seems to be less annoying than a blog post with me babbling. I feel like my humor gets lost.

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