Fall Nails

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall nails

Fall nails

I am loving this manicure. I saw something similar on another blog, and two colors immediately came to mind; Zoya Mia (of course), and Zoya Jules. I wore this combo to a wedding last week, with Jules on my toes, but I didn't think about having Jules as an accent nail. I saw that post, and decided to give it a shot.

It will probably be my go-to color combination for this fall. That, and the shirt I'm wearing from H&M. I'm in love with it! I can't wait for it to get cold all day in Florida. Lately it's been hovering around mid to low 80s during the day.

What color combinations are you loving for this fall? Anything I should try out?

P.S. Happy Halloween!

Avon Candle | Peppermint Twist

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Avon Peppermint Twist Candle

Avon Peppermint Twist Candle
My husband burnt it before I got around to taking pictures. To be fair to him, I've had it for like a month.

Peppermint and I are good old friend. It's easily my favorite scent, and flavor. Especially for this type of weather.
When I saw that Avon had come out with another candle line, I was a bit skeptical. The last one I tried was a tiny thing, that cost me $5 (normally $10), and it was horrible. No scent came off when it was burning, and I'm being generous when I say that half of it actually burned.

This one struck me as a Bath & Body Works type of candle, i.e. 3 wick and a decent size. It's cheaper at $9.99 for 11oz (14.5oz for $20 at BBW). I can't speak too much on burn time (claim is 30 hour), but the above picture is after about an hour.

The scent payoff is amazing. That's one of the reasons I love the BBW candles so much. They give off a rich aroma that's exactly what you smell in the jar. It fills the whole room up quickly, but isn't nauseating.

For this particular candle I was a bit disappointed with the scent itself. It doesn't smell like peppermint. Not even in the slightest. I was excited too, since the BBW peppermint ones are usually mixed with chocolate; a scent that doesn't go over too well with me. It smells more like cookies, or something else really sweet. Which actually makes sense given the description; "Peppermint sweetened with fluffy marshmallow and vanilla...". That's all true minus the peppermint. Either way, the scent is nice.

Do I recommend? As a whole, I actually do. These candles seem like they'll be great for the upcoming season, and do pack a punch. For this particular candle I can't recommend if you're looking for something with a pepperminty aroma to it. Definitely check them out, and maybe your Avon Representative can order you a sample pack so you can smell them all.

Peppermint Twist will be available soon.

Loving Lately №3

Monday, October 21, 2013

Loving Lately Makeup

It's been a while since I've done one of these posts. I find myself in a rut, and using the same makeup over and over again without much change. I decided to pull out my iFabbo store bought Hydroxatone BB Cream, and I'm back to loving it. I thought my skin got lighter, causing this to be too dark, but I think I was just using too much. The Japonesque foundation brush that I received in my Wantable Box helps a ton. It applies the foundation beautifully, much more so than the Real Techniques one does. I don't know why, but I was always under the impression that most foundation brushes are the same for some odd reason. Always wrong in my ignorance. It's all good, I'm glad I'm wrong because I love this little brush. It's so easy to blend, and not streaky at all.

I mentioned my latest concealer love last month. I see myself never letting this concealer go. I love it so much! It's the Loreal True Match Crayon Concealer amazing majestic magic in a crayon. Ok, so maybe I'm over exaggerating a bit, but you can't blame me. This thing is heaven in a tube. It covers my dark circles, and redness that loves to never go away. This with the Hydroxatone, and brush is all I need. It's just a great combination.

I've been gravitating towards a brighter lip lately. It's weird because that is so not me. Bright colors (other than nail polish) is not my friend. It usually looks too bright on my light skin. That's why I pick up my L'Oreal Colour Riche Caresse in Coral Tattoo. I'm thoroughly convinced that someone out there is taking bets on which company comes up with the craziest names. If not, then they should (my money would be on Revlon). At the very least it would make for an interesting poll. Ignoring all that, let's get back on topic. I don't use this lip product the way it was meant to be used. I take the applicator, dab it twice on my top lip, three times on the bottom. Then with my ring ringer I blend it in, and cover my lips. It gives it a lighter tint that's not so opaque and bright. 

Lastly I have Zoya Mia. Oh Mia, how I love thee. I did a comparison last year of Mia and OPI Dulce De Leche. They're close, but I like Mia more mainly because I'm partial to Zoya's formulation over OPI's. I don't want to remove this polish, but I think that when I do it's going right back on. Maybe I'm loving Zoya in general, because that seems to be all I'm wearing lately. I don't know, time will tell.

What are you loving lately?

This post mentions products received as PR samples, although this isn't a review post. Those products are Hydroxatone BB Cream (which was an iFabbo sample, thus being a different kind of sample), and the Japonesque brush (not technically a PR sample item) which came in a Wantable Box that was from a PR company. I know, it's a bit confusing. Links provided in the post itself. Have a fantabulous week!

Current Skincare Faves/What I'm currently using

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Burt's Bees Intense Hydration

I've mentioned both of these little family of products before. The Burt's Bees Intense Hydration products were sent for review purposes, but this isn't a review. For that, you may go here.

I've been using these products a few months, and I've recently come to terms with the war zone that my skin has become. I love the Mary Kay Clearproof system, don't get me wrong, it's just that the products can be so darn drying. Since doing my review, I purchased the full sized products from my mother-in-law. The more I use it, unfortunately, the dryer my skin becomes, so if I notice an increase in dryness, I switch to using the system once a day rather than two.

It's always scary to have a skin problem that you've never had before pop up. I really don't know much about dry skin. BUT it is working. It's doing the job, and that's what I wanted to focus on.

To combat the dryness in certain areas, I pulled out my Burt's Bees Intense Hydration duo and used that to combat it. They work together beautifully, and within a few days I noticed that my skin wasn't as dry as it had been. It just looks and feels healthier after using it.

Unfortunately this is a risk that someone takes when they use an acne regime, but I'm glad I was able to use them together.

If I need it, I first start with the Burt's Bees Cleanser, then follow up with the Mary Kay Clearproof system. Then, if I feel like i need more moisture I'll put the Burt's Bees lotion on as a final step. I don't always use the Burt's Bees. It's kind of on an as needed basis.

Includes products sent for review
(both Burt's Bees products)

EOS Breast Cancer Awareness Smooth Sphere Lip Balm Pack

Monday, October 7, 2013

EOS Breast Cancer Awareness Smooth Sphere Lip Balm

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and EOS gave me the chance to receive the Lip Balm Pack, and talk about it with you all.

I love it when beauty products (and Hungry Howies) use October to raise the awareness of breast cancer, and donate to the cause. It's a great way to do your part while getting a great product.

EOS is a company that has blown up in the beauty community, and one that I have tried prior to receiving this little duo. I wasn't a fan (close-minded Burt's Bees user at the time. I've gotten better!). I thought it was over hyped, and I was not impressed (I blame my menthol addiction). Thanks to Chapstick, I realized that I needed to branch out more, and not want every lip balm to be tingly like Burt's Bees is (intervention!).

I figured, I might as well give it a fair chance. I accepted the samples, and eagerly awaited their arrival. I tried the Watermelon first, since that's my least favorite form of artificial scent/flavoring. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I can't take it in large doses, but it's still sitting on my end table.

I believe Strawberry Sorbet is what I tried last time (my dog ate it a while ago so I can't check), and I do like it more this time around. It doesn't last as long as I would like, but it's still hydrating. My skin has become really dry lately due to my skin care change (using Mary Kay almost daily now, and this is a small side-effect), and when my lips feel dry EOS Lip Balms do help with that a lot. 

EOS Lip Balm

One issue I (still) have with this product is its bulky packaging. It's hard for me to lug it around in my Mini Mac because there simply isn't any room for the egg shaped packaging. They do have tubes, though, but I don't think they come in a Breast Cancer Awareness pack, and that's mainly what this review is all about.

As a whole, I completely recommend this duo. They're quality products, and they support a great cause with a portion of the proceeds going towards breast cancer research.

This pack is limited time only, most likely easy to pick up at your local Ulta, drugstore.com,  and evolutionofsmooth.com (but check Target. I know they carry the brand, but not sure about this particular deal). It's available September (I know, I'm behind) through November. The price is $5.99, and 100% of the net profits are donated support the cause.

This review contains PR Samples (EOS Lip Balm Pack)

The years just keep flying by...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Photo Credit

Here I am, sitting around playing with my iPad, and I have a sudden flash of memory. It's October 2nd!!! Which means that it's Adore A Polish's second birthday (I previously thought it was its third, but I was wrong. Oops!). Unfortunately that means the post I had planned for today is going to be put on the back-burner 'til tomorrow, but that's fine. This is a once a year thing, and it deserves a post in my opinion.

A lot of things have changed; the blog's layout (Old one), I have had opportunities to work with some wonderful companies, the content has expanded yet again, and I've met some fabulous people who I owe a lot to (bloggers really are great people). I even switched the spelling from adore-a-polish to Adore A Polish.

I've been going through some of my past posts, and I can't believe that it's been a year already. I actually remember creating some of those posts, and taking the pictures. I figured that I can share with you all some of my favorite posts from this past year;

-Reviewing the Sally Hansen Gel Strips was a labor of love, and its probably the post that I love the most since it was two weeks in the making, and I'm proud of myself for not caving into my own impatience.
-My Mary Kay Clearproof review gained more attention than I expected, and I just love the products. I even purchased the full sized bottles recently.
-If I Lost All My Makeup was a fun one to make, and I love the term 'Makeup Apocalypse'.
-I actually filmed a Nail Polish Collection video, which was interesting to do.
-The Goody Spin Pins is probably my favorite hair product to date.
-... and finally last year's birthday post, where I mention all the things that I accomplished in that first year.

I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for a lot of you guys, and everything I said at the end of the last birthday post is still true. You guys mean a lot to me. I love seeing your comments, and I love chatting with you all about products. 

I want to give a huge thanks to the wonderful ladies at the Beauty Blogazons. Without their advice, knowledge, and answers to some of my ridiculous questions I wouldn't have been as lucky as I am. To those ladies I say thank you, and I am proud to be part of such a wonderful group. If you are a blogger, no matter how small, I recommend joining them.

To think it all goes back to that first post...