Favorite Nail Polish of 2013

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Favorite Nail Polish of 2013

Favorite Nail Polish of 2013

This may be my favorite round up that I do at the end of the year. Some of these shouldn't come to you as a surprise, so I didn't have to think too hard. I narrowed it down to my top 5 of 2013. (in no particular order).

Essie The Lace is On is one of the newest additions to my little family. I didn't buy a lot of nail polish this year, as I'm pretty happy with my current collection. I loved having this on my toes, and wore it for months after I bought it. It's such a beautiful shade.

Zoya Mia is one that I probably wore on my nails for a month straight, which for me is a very long time. I didn't like it so much when I first bought it when I realized that it was a near dupe for a color that I already owned, but it grew massively on me this past fall. Not to mention I realized my love for Zoya's formula.

The next Zoya nail polish that I loved was in the beginning of 2013, and I bought it in their Earth Day sale; Zoya Julie. It has a shimmer to it, and is very nice on the nails. Definitely was my go-to for Spring.

I'm pretty sure that I obsessed over Essie Cocktail Bling in 2012, but it reached a new high in 2013. I love the muted color to it, and I think this is the reason I found myself gravitating toward this greyish/muted colors.

Last, but definitely not least, is the most expensive nail polish that I own. I was apprehensive on buying it, but I'm glad I did since it is my favorite shade of 2013. NARS Orgasm is a lot of things, and beautiful is definitely on the top of the list. It's probably the brand's most popular shade (considering it's in a multitude of product types), and it's very easy to see why. The wear, the shade, all of it is beautiful. 

What were some of your favorite nail polish shades?