Mermaid's Tears | OPI Dupe

Thursday, April 4, 2013

For Christmas I received Do My Back Please. Immediately I noticed a resemblance to Mermaid's Tears. I finally got around to doing a comparison of the two, and I figured for fun I'd include Don't Be Jade, which is too bright, but since it's Avon, the comparison may help some.

1. OPI Do My Back Please?
2. OPI Mermaid's Tears - Swatch
3. Avon Don't Be Jaded

It's pretty obvious that the two OPI colors (1 and 2) are identical. I thought one would have more of a grey tint to it, but I was wrong. Upon swatching them I noticed that there aren't any differences. Good news! If you missed Mermaid's Tears (2011 Pirates of the Caribbean Collection) you can pick up a dupe. I'm pretty sure this is in the regular collection.

The Avon color is the obvious odd ball. I think I have a color that's similar to it, so I'll have to dig it out and do a swatch comparison if I do. I don't know if you can still get this color, but it is a pretty one.

I also wanted to mention that Hellocotton is officially closing its doors on April 11th. If you follow my blog through Hellocotton you can use the links below, or to the side, if you want to continue receiving updates from my blog. Same goes for your favorite bloggers. Most have alternate means of subscribing, but you can always use a RSS reader like Reeder or Feedly for those who don't. GFC should be safe, but Google Reader is also shutting down in case you missed that as well. Hey, it could happen. I take a break for the internet from time time and miss a lot of stuff.

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