October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and EOS gave me the chance to receive the Lip Balm Pack, and talk about it with you all.
I love it when beauty products (and Hungry Howies) use October to raise the awareness of breast cancer, and donate to the cause. It's a great way to do your part while getting a great product.
EOS is a company that has blown up in the beauty community, and one that I have tried prior to receiving this little duo. I wasn't a fan (close-minded Burt's Bees user at the time. I've gotten better!). I thought it was over hyped, and I was not impressed (I blame my menthol addiction). Thanks to Chapstick, I realized that I needed to branch out more, and not want every lip balm to be tingly like Burt's Bees is (intervention!).
I figured, I might as well give it a fair chance. I accepted the samples, and eagerly awaited their arrival. I tried the Watermelon first, since that's my least favorite form of artificial scent/flavoring. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I can't take it in large doses, but it's still sitting on my end table.
I believe Strawberry Sorbet is what I tried last time (my dog ate it a while ago so I can't check), and I do like it more this time around. It doesn't last as long as I would like, but it's still hydrating. My skin has become really dry lately due to my skin care change (using Mary Kay almost daily now, and this is a small side-effect), and when my lips feel dry EOS Lip Balms do help with that a lot.
One issue I (still) have with this product is its bulky packaging. It's hard for me to lug it around in my Mini Mac because there simply isn't any room for the egg shaped packaging. They do have tubes, though, but I don't think they come in a Breast Cancer Awareness pack, and that's mainly what this review is all about.
As a whole, I completely recommend this duo. They're quality products, and they support a great cause with a portion of the proceeds going towards breast cancer research.
This pack is limited time only, most likely easy to pick up at your local Ulta, drugstore.com, and evolutionofsmooth.com (but check Target. I know they carry the brand, but not sure about this particular deal). It's available September (I know, I'm behind) through November. The price is $5.99, and 100% of the net profits are donated support the cause.
This review contains PR Samples (EOS Lip Balm Pack)
Looks like a nice set and it is great that brands do this every year for breast cancer awareness and to increase donations x